マルシャーク : カストルム・ラクスリトレ内部に侵入する!各隊ともに遅れをとるな!

妖術士アルビレオ : これ以上、抵抗勢力を付け上がらせてはならない!総員、レジスタンスを轢き潰せッ!

バイシャーエン : 妖術士アルビレオ……!使い魔の使役に長けた術者と聞きます、警戒をッ!

妖術士アルビレオ : ええい、忌々しい!全戦力を投じて、奴らの侵攻を阻止せよッ!

マルシャーク : この好機を逃しはせん!総員攻撃ッ!

妖術士アルビレオ : 「悪名高き魔狼よ! 疾走れ!」「濁りし眼の魔牛よ! 来たれ!」

妖術士アルビレオ : 「クッ… 傲慢が綻びを生んだと…」



バイシャーエン : 逃しましたか……!進路上の隔壁も閉じられてしまったようですね……。


マルシャーク : 捕虜となった同胞が、囚われている可能性もある。発見次第、救い出すことも忘れるな!

帝国兵の声 : て、撤退だ……!機密情報はもとより、捕虜も処分せよ……!

バイシャーエン : 隔壁が開放されたようですね!このまま一気に進み、中枢を抑えましょう……!

妖術士アルビレオ : このまま抜かせるものかッ!第IV軍団の意地を、見せてくれる……!

マルシャーク : まだ戦力を隠していたのか……!往生際の悪い奴め!

マルシャーク : これで最後のようだ……先に進むぞ!

バイシャーエン : 奥に人影が見えますね……!あ、あれは……まさか……!?

妖術士アルビレオ : お前たちが邪魔をしなければ……!このボズヤは、ガブラス様の理想国家になったのだぞ……!


アドラメレク : オオォォ……その怒りを糧に、我は降り立とう……!


バイシャーエン : なんと、姿形が……!?非常に強い魔力を感じます、最大限の警戒を……!

アドラメレク : 雷は落ち、火は燃え、土は還り、氷は溶け、水は昇り、風を曇り、巡り巡りて、我が手に宿らん……!




バイシャーエン : あのような魔物を憑依させるとは……恐ろしい男でしたな……。

マルシャーク : 敵将がいるとすれば、この奥……皆、最後まで気を抜かぬように!

獣王ライアン : そぉ~ら ゾロゾロと獲物のお出ましだぜぇ……! 来いよ 相棒ッ!





獣王ライアン : 嗚呼ぁ~、やっぱり我慢できねェぜ!誰かコッチに来て、オレと遊んでくれよォ~!?





「この一撃… 耐えてみせろやァ!」

(ライアン時間切れ) あぁン?なんだなんだ、そんなモンか~?



(ライアン成功) アイタタタ……やってくれるねェ~!


獣王ライアン : チッ……旗色が悪いってか……?ドゥン、もう一度、仕掛けるぞッ……!


獣王ライアン : おいおい! まさか ドゥンをヤっちまうとは! さすがに こいつは予想外だぜ!

さ~て 引き際を 間違えるわけにはいかねえな……! 縁があったら また遊ぼうぜぇ……!

Marsak the Stalwart: Storm the castrum! Everyone, forward!

Albeleo the Maleficent: We can't give these durs another ilm. Take no prisoners! Kill every last one of them!

Bajsaljen the Righteous: That's Albeleo. He's a crafty one─watch out for his spells!

Albeleo the Maleficent: Enough of this! Hit them with everything we have!

Marsak the Stalwart: Now's our chance! Attack!

Albeleo the Maleficent "By fang and claw shall they be rent!" "May my foe be trampled underfoot!"

Albeleo the Maleficent "My hubris has become my undoing...”

They leave me with no choice. The day has come to demonstrate the power of the auracite!

Close the barricade! I need more time!

Bajsaljen the Righteous: It seems he's eluded us, for now, at least. We'll need to get past that barricade.

Everyone, split up and search for a way to open it!

Marsak the Stalwart: A number of our countrymen were taken captive. They're likely being held somewhere in the castrum.

Imperial Soldier: Retreat! Retreat! Burn all documents, execute the prisoners!

Bajsaljen the Righteous: It's open! Continue to the inner reaches!

Albeleo the Maleficent: Not another step closer! Time to show you what the IVth Legion's made of!

Marsak the Stalwart: Is there no end to them!?

Marsak the Stalwart: They've finally run out of soldiers to throw at us, it seems. Forward!

Bajsaljen the Righteous: Someone's there! Wait, is that...?

Albeleo the Maleficent: You fools... what have you done? Gabranth would see Bozja reborn, yet you would bare your steel against him!?

By denying the path of righteousness, you have sealed your fate. The heaven's have spoken, and they are wroth indeed!

Adrammelech: So this is what it is to be a god.

I am Adrammelech... Now know regret, a sinner's recompense.

Bajsaljen the Righteous: Careful now. Something's not right. Be on your guard.

Adrammelech: The crack of lightning, the roar of flame, The rumble of earth, the grip of ice, The rush of water, the howl of wind. At their center, I stand. Alone and omnipotent.

Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

May the lightning tear through you! Let your dying screams fill the air!

From your shattered corse, I shall craft a monument to agony!

Bajsaljen the Righteous: To think he would go to such lengths, to surrender himself body and soul to that devil.

Marsak the Stalwart: There's no time to dwell on that. We must press on!

Lyon the Beast King: Come, Dawon! We've a spot of game that wants for hunting.

I have to hand it to you, I never thought you'd make it this far. I'm going to enjoy this...

Go, Dawon! Your prey awaits!

That's it. Just like I taught you!

Not bad! This calls for something special!

Lyon the Beast King: I can't let you lot have all the fun. Why not come over here and let me take a swing?

If you won't make a move, then I will!

Dawon! Are you enjoying this as much as I am?

Nothing like a good scrap to get the blood pumping!

Haha! A challenge, at last!

"Let's see how resilient you really are!"

Steady on! No need to get carried away!

Well, as enjoyable as it's been, it's time I called it quits.

Lyon the Beast King: Not quite what I had in mind. Dawon, let's try that again!

You'd better not mess it up this time!

Lyon the Beast King: Dawon was...defeated? So they're bark and bite, then.

Perhaps I'll take your measure another time. Until we meet again.