獣王ライアン : いい加減にしろ、小僧ッ!もうこうなっちまったらオレたちの負けだ!引き際が肝心だって、ガキの頃から教えただろうよッ!

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : アレを……あの悪魔をボズヤの愚民どもに渡すわけにはいかん。艦より切り離し再び奈落へと沈めた後、艦を爆破し蓋としようぞ。さすれば、幾許かの時間を稼げるというもの。


獣王ライアン : バカ言うンじゃねぇッ!オレに生き恥を晒せっていうのか!!ボズヤの失敗の責任を取るのはオメェだろーよ!

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 我は……閣下より預かりしこのダル・リアータと運命を共にせん。死して、命を散らした者たちにあの世で詫びよう。

獣王ライアン : 古来より戦いの結果はその時の運次第ってな。今回は運が悪かった……ただ、それだけだ。まぁ、いいじゃねぇか、気にすンな……



メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 貴公は上官からの命令を何度無視する気なのだ……呆れて物が言えんよ。

獣王ライアン : ふんっ、クソな命令なんざクソでしかねぇからな。破られるようなクソ命令が悪いンだ。あと、そんなクソをひねりだすクソヤローが悪い!

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 我は性格は悪いかも知れぬが、口は貴公ほど悪くはないぞ……。

Lyon rem Helsos: For godssake, What did I tell you about bowing out with a bit of grace? It's over, Menenius. We've lost.

Menenius sas Lanatus: Even so, the relic cannot... must not fall into the hands of the Bozjans. I will have it jettisoned from the Dalriada into the ruins whence it came. Once our troops have been evacuated, I will engage the ship's self-destruct sequence and seal the entrance, keeping the relic beyond the reach of those savages.

Meanwhile, you are to take the rest of our detachment back to Dalmasca and crush the resistance. Then─and only then─are you to return here and reclaim Gabranth's weapon. Am I understood?

Lyon rem Helsos: So it's the coward's way out, is it? Not man enough to face him after your resounding failure?

Menenius sas Lanatus: It was I Gabranth entrusted with the Dalriada, his final hope of claiming these lands as his own. If that hope is to die here, then I would perish with it. I have naught but my life to offer to make amends for all we have lost.

Lyon rem Helsos: Look, Menenius, everyone's bound to have a spot of bad luck eventually, even you. Now isn't the time for drastic measures.

As much as I'd enjoy seeing an arrogant, forked-tongued prig such as yourself go down in a fiery ball of ruin, I know Gabranth still has a part for you to play.

If you want to bury the relic, fine─I'll even help you. But when we're done, we go and speak with him together and explain what happened. All right?

Menenius sas Lanatus: Your stubbornness never ceases to confound me.

Lyon rem Helsos: Good. If that's what it takes to get through to you, I'll be as stubborn as I like.

Menenius sas Lanatus: Hmph. And you would call me the arrogant one.