一方 カストルム・ラクスリトレ──

ミーシィヤ : ……そこに寝かせろ。

ミコト : う…………。 ミーシィヤさん…………ここは…………?

ミーシィヤ : 私の質問に答えてもらおうか。おまえが持つ超える力……「未来視」についてだ。……どのように発動させるのだ?

ミコト : ミーシィヤさん……どうしてこんなことを?何故、帝国に与するのです?

ミーシィヤ : 質問しているのはこちらだぞ?いいから答えるんだ。

ミコト : 私に質問したいなら、私にも質問させてください。そう……取引です。

ミーシィヤ : ……立場を理解していないようだな。それとも、お得意の天然ボケか?

ミコト : あなたはお金や名誉のために味方を売るような人じゃない……。あなたは私たちを裏切ったんじゃない……。最初から騙していた……そう、帝国の密偵として……。


ミーシィヤ : 探究を第一とし見聞を広げ、それを知恵とする……それがおまえのモットーだったか……。……では、おまえはどう考える?

ミコト : ……それほどまでにガブラスという将軍に惹かれますか?





ミーシィヤ : ……これは驚いた。ただの学者馬鹿かと思いきや……その見識、推察力は称賛に値するというもの……。

ミコト : ……かつてのボズヤは貧富の差が激しかったと聞きます。「持てる者」と「持たざる者」の差……そう……帝国の支配下に置かれた現在よりも酷かった。





ミーシィヤ : ……人というのは実に愚かだ。




ミコト : ……人を信じるのが怖いのですか?

ミーシィヤ : 信じる……?ふん……ボズヤは人倫に劣る罪深き社会なのさ……。



ミコト : ……女王グンヒルドのみに帯剣を許された聖なる剣のことですね。神々の御力を宿した聖剣セイブ・ザ・クイーン……。



ミーシィヤ : 政務も司っていたグンヒルドの剣たちは第四霊災を前に、聖剣セイブ・ザ・クイーンの力を解放することで、民を……王国を護ろうと計画した。


ミコト : 神を降ろそうと………蛮神……!?

ミーシィヤ : そうだ……まさに蛮神降ろしさ……。もっとも聖剣自体、古代アラグ帝国との戦いで奪ったもの……蛮神ではなく闘神と呼ぶのが相応しいだろうね。

ミコト : 闘神……セイブ・ザ・クイーン……。

ミーシィヤ : だが、肝心の女王がビビってしまった。一度闘神になってしまったら人間に戻ることはできない。民を護るのが女王の役目なのに命が惜しくなってしまったのさ。





ミコト : 聞いたことがあります……イシュガルドのイゼルさんと同じ……。最後の女王グンヒルドも「超える力」の持ち主だったならば、自我を失わずに蛮神を憑依させることができる……。

ミーシィヤ : 驚いたのは生き残ったグンヒルドの剣たちだ。闘神の力が恐ろしいことはわかっている……何せ第四霊災から民を護るほどの力だからな……。




ミコト : その話をミーシィヤさんは……どこで……??

ミーシィヤ : ……我が一族のみに伝えられた話……と言えばわかろう。


ミコト : ……本当にわからないのです。意図的に発動するのは無理だと思います。だって、今まで一度もそんなことできてないし……。

ミーシィヤ : ……まぁ、いいだろう。「強化」すればわかるというもの。

Meanwhile, at Castrum Lacus Litore…

Misija: Yes, over there.

Mikoto: <groan> Misija...? Where...?

Misija: You're going to answer a few questions for me. We can start with how you are able to glimpse into the future.

Mikoto: Misija... Why? Why are you helping the Empire?

Misija: I'm the one asking the questions here. Now answer!

Mikoto: No. Not until you tell me why.

Misija: I don't think you understand your situation here. Or are you truly that naive?

Mikoto: Is it for power? Renown? Have you always been on their side?

I know you, Misija. You're a woman of conviction, and you wouldn't do something like this without good reason.

Misija: If you know me as well as you say, I would hazard you already have the answer.

Mikoto: ...You would truly place your faith in Noah van Gabranth?

I've read about him and his father, the famed knights from the Republic of Landis. They say he was a man of vision.

He was made legatus of the IVth Imperial Legion, and from what intelligence I could gather, he pays no heed to the race, parentage, or creed of his followers.

And that same impartial judgment extends to the provinces under his control, if I am not mistaken. Havens for those seeking a life free of prejudice and hate.

But do you truly believe equality can be found under an imperial standard?

Misija: My, my. The dutiful bookworm can read between the lines. Perhaps I gave you too little credit.

Mikoto: I can but posit theories and conjecture, for I will never truly know of the indignity your family suffered. Nor can I speak on the alarming disparity between the nobles and commoners, even before Bozja succumbed to imperial rule.

As I understand, it was a country where the needs of the few outweighed those of the many. The wealthy were free to forge their own futures, while the poor were free only to die should they fail in their daily struggle to survive.

And even if some few nobles were opposed to the nation being governed by an oligarchy, their peers would never relinquish their power and wealth for the greater good.

While that Bozja is no more, I realize there are those among the Resistance who yearn for the halcyon days of their forebears, who would judge you based on your lineage rather than the content of your character.

Their voices are but echoes of a reprehensible past. You should understand better than anyone the future Bajsaljen and Marsak mean to build, a way forward paved with dignity and equality. Times change, Misija. People change.

Misija: No, people don't change. They only fool themselves into believing they can.

I was ridiculed, marginalized, treated like an “other.” By the mere virtue of being highborn theirs was the righteous path, mine the immoral.

Bajsaljen and Marsak claim they want to put an end to the discrimination, but there is no escaping their true nature.

Their hatred must be driven out with force.

Mikoto: Would putting your faith in them be such a terrible thing?

Misija: Oh, if you knew the depths of their malice. Their treachery.

Perhaps I should tell you the tragedy of Queen Gunnhildr, and the great betrayal of her followers.

I'm sure you've heard the legends of Save the Queen.

Mikoto: The blessed blade that could only be wielded by Queen Gunnhildr. Yes, I've heard the tales.

When her kingdom came under attack during the Fourth Umbral Calamity, she brought the full might of the blade to bear to save her people, and in so doing, gave her own life.

A bittersweet end to her reign, but I fail to see what that has to do with anything.

Misija: Before the Fourth Umbral Calamity, Gunnhildr's Blades foresaw their coming doom. As the kingdom's acting political body, they saw it as their duty to save their people at any cost, and so devised a plan to save Bozja using the power of the holy blade.

The queen's body would serve as a conduit for the blade's power, allowing them to summon a god.

Mikoto: No... You don't mean...?

Misija: A primal summoning, yes. Though perhaps it would be more fitting to call it an eikon. The blade was, after all, originally a relic stolen from the Allagans.

Mikoto: An eikon...heavens forfend.

Misija: There was one problem, however. The queen knew that, once she took in the power of this god, there would be no turning back. She was a coward, and despite her duty to protect the people, she chose her own life over theirs.

Yet Gunnhildr's Blades would not see their efforts come to naught. For they soon realized the sacrifice need not be the presently reigning queen. Nor did they need to be of noble blood.

And so a lowborn shrine maiden was chosen to ascend the throne. Obedient to a fault, she did not hesitate to give her life to forestall the coming Calamity.

Would that this tragic tale end there, but I'm afraid it takes a rather bloody turn.

You see, despite sacrificing herself to save Bozja, the new queen did not die, nor was she consumed by the eikon's power.

Mikoto: There was a woman of Ishgard, Ysayle, capable of such a feat. But to embrace the power of the eikon and retain her sense of self...that would mean this queen possessed the Echo.

Misija: And her power struck fear into the hearts of Gunnhildr's Blades, for a god now walked among them.

But rather than the puppet the Blades had wished for, she was pure and free, and for that, she was slain.

The Blades would not─could not─risk her discovering the truth of her ascension. That she was but a sacrificial lamb to save their highborn brethren.

They claimed the queen had gone mad, drunk with the god's power, leaving them no choice but to slay her. She was then buried, along with the blade, and the truth.

Mikoto: Where did you hear this?

Misija: Let's just say it's a bit of family history.

Now, answer my question─how are you able to see the future?

Mikoto: I... I don't know. I've never been able to use it of my own volition.

Misija: I suppose it doesn't matter. We'll drag it out of you soon enough.