獣王ライアン : ……で、首尾はどうよ?

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : ……アタッチメントの改良にまだ時間が必要だそうだ。

獣王ライアン : ええ、マジかよ!?とっくに発掘は終わってンだろ?技術士官どもはいったい何をチンタラやってンだよ!

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 未知の遺物なのだ。今までの知識だけで上手くいくとは限らん。……大目に見てやれ。

獣王ライアン : おいおい、外の状況を知らンわけじゃないだろぉ?レジスタンスはもう目と鼻の先だ。この機動飛空戦艦にたどり着くのも時間の問題だぜ。


メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 帰還だと? 馬鹿な、ボズヤを棄てろと申すのか?……それに、貴公とて、カストルム・メリディアヌムの一件を知らぬわけではあるまい?

獣王ライアン : ……ガイウスが自分のオモチャにやられちまったって話か?嘘か本当か知らねぇが、飼い犬に噛まれるなんざ、笑えるね。躾がなってねぇンだよ、躾がヨォ!

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : ……以前、帝都で報告書を読んだのだ。閣下はエオルゼア攻略の最終手段として対蛮神兵器を用いたが、制御不能となり暴走したようだ……結果、魔導城は灰燼に帰した。


獣王ライアン : ったく、シシニアスの奴はどこへ行きやがった?アイツのアイデアだろ?オレたちに責任を押し付けてンじゃネェよ!

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : ……外は貴公に任すぞ。ミーシィヤの策が失敗した以上、これだけはなんとしてでも我々の手に……。

獣王ライアン : お? おお?あーたがオレ様を頼る? 頼っちゃう? 頼っちゃうの?イヤァ、オジサン、嬉しいナァ!

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : あいもかわらず、くだらぬことを……さぁ、さっさと行かれるがよい。

獣王ライアン : おお、いいともさ!オジサン、頑張っちゃうよ~ン!!

Lyon rem Helsos: Well? Is it ready?

Menenius sas Lanatus: The modifications will require more time.

Lyon rem Helsos: You can't be serious! It's been ages since the damn thing was excavated. Have the engineers been sitting around with their thumbs up their arses all this time!?

Menenius sas Lanatus: Far from it. Given that this is unexplored territory, we must proceed with caution.

Lyon rem Helsos: Tell that to the Resistance soldiers a stone's throw from our bloody front door. It won't be long before they tear it down.

Why not withdraw to Dalmasca? Surely they can finish their modifications on the way back?

Menenius sas Lanatus: Withdraw? You would abandon everything we have labored for here in Bozja? And that is not all we stand to lose... Surely, you have not forgotten the events of Castrum Meridianum?

Lyon rem Helsos: I only know what I've heard, that Gaius's pet ended up biting the hand that fed it before turning the place upside down.

Menenius sas Lanatus: Not quite the wording used in the reports, but accurate enough... Knowing his plans would soon be thwarted, he deployed an anti-eikon warmachina in a final attempt to drive back the Eorzean forces. He could not contain its power, and because of his hubris, the castrum was wiped off the map.

In short, the relics of the Allagans are not to be trifled with. It takes but one mistake for our plans to fall to ruin.

Lyon rem Helsos: And yet Sicinius has seen fit to scurry off to some far-flung hole when he's needed most. This was his scheme, not ours. He should be the one overseeing all this.

Menenius sas Lanatus: ...Perhaps you should put this pent-up frustration of yours to use outside. After all, in light of Misija's recent failure, it now falls to us to rout the Resistance.

Lyon rem Helsos: Really? You're asking me to go out there? Hah, it's about damn time!

Menenius sas Lanatus: Hmph. Somehow I knew you would relish the opportunity to get your hands dirty.

Lyon rem Helsos: Oh, I assure you they'll be absolutely filthy by the time I return.