一方 カストルム・ラクスリトレ──

獣王ライアン : おいおいおいおい!いったい何をチンタラやってンだよぉ~~!


妖術士アルビレオ : ライアン殿はすでに命令を無視して出撃なさっているではないか。本来ならそれだけでも命令不服従で軍事法廷行きですぞ?ご自分の立場を自覚なされませ。



獣王ライアン : だ~か~らぁ、そう言ってンじゃネェか!だいたいボズヤなんぞ、ほっといたってかまわネェ。あとから侵攻し直せばいいだけだろォ?

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 笑止……。貴公はボズヤ制圧に参加した御仁であろう。そのために散った同胞の命を無駄にしようと申されるのか?

妖術士アルビレオ : ドマやアラミゴが属州を離れ、その上、ボズヤも独立となっては、それこそダルマスカ・レジスタンスが勢いづくというもの。そうなっては首が絞まるのは我々でございましょう。

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : まともに取り合うな、アルビレオ。この御仁は、勢いづいたダルマスカ・レジスタンスと戦いたい、より強くなった相手と戦いたいだけなのだ。

獣王ライアン : おい、コラァ……

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : ガレマール帝国は崩壊する……この事実はかわらない。我々第IV軍団は帰るべき祖国を失うのだ。それはおわかりであろう?

獣王ライアン : ……だから?

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 閣下はこの地に……ダルマスカとボズヤを手に入れ、この地に新たな「王国楽土」を築くと宣言された。ならば、我々はこの地を死守するのが責務であろうよ。

獣王ライアン : こちらの妖術士サンはともかくですな、メネニウス、あーたはノア坊をよぉくご存じでしょう?あの坊やの真意を、あーただってお気づきでしょうに……。

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 私が閣下の命令に……そのご意志に逆らっているとでも?

獣王ライアン : 足掻きなさンな……。そんな洒落の効かないマネ、テメェが一番嫌いだろうにヨォ。

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 足掻く?それはとんでもない誤解だ。私はまだ打てる手があるからやっているにすぎん……。

獣王ライアン : 相変わらずの石頭だネェ~。ま、いいさ、ならオレは好きにさせてもらうだけだ。

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : よかろう、好きにすればよい。だが、すべての決着が付いた暁には法廷送りだ。それはゆめゆめ覚悟されよ……。

妖術士アルビレオ : よいのですか、メネニウス様。

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : ……死ぬような輩ではあるまい。あれでも閣下と、この軍団に対する想いは誰よりも強いのだ。死に場所を求める愚かな老兵ではないのだよ。


妖術士アルビレオ : 仰せのままに!

Meanwhile, at Castrum Lacus Litore…

Lyon rem Helsos: ...And I'm tired of sitting about with our thumbs up our arses!

Why wait for reinforcements when we could wipe the Bozjan Resistance off the board in one fell swoop? Even with just the troops stationed here at the castrum, they wouldn't stand a chance!

Albeleo: You have already demonstrated gross insubordination by leading charges into the field against orders. Soldiers have been court-martialed for far less, and such behavior ill befits one of your station.

I need not remind you that our true objective is the subjugation of Dalmasca and the seizure of its resources, not to engage in petty skirmishes with these Bozjan curs.

They will be dealt with in due course, but only once the Dalmascan resistance has been annihilated.

Lyon rem Helsos: Who do you think you're talking to, boy? I know full well that we need to bring Dalmasca to heel, and I've said from the beginning that invading Bozja was a waste of time. The sooner we get this over with, the better.

Menenius sas Lanatus: A waste of time... Yet who was it front and center during the invasion? I hope you have not forgotten the soldiers you sacrificed for the sake of this "waste of time".

Albeleo: Retaining our foothold here is essential to our plans. Now that Doma and Ala Mhigo have reclaimed their independence, the Bozjans have been inspired to follow suit. Should they succeed, the Dalmascans will be next. We cannot hope to withstand a united resistance from all sides.

Menenius sas Lanatus: Don't waste your breath, Albeleo. The only thing this rabid dog understands is bloodshed.

Lyon rem Helsos: Watch your tongue, or it's your blood that'll be shed next.

Menenius sas Lanatus: Snarl at me all you like, but there's no escaping the truth─the Empire is doomed to fall, and before long the IVth Legion will have no home to return to.

Lyon rem Helsos: Your point being...?

Menenius sas Lanatus: If Gabranth is to build his new nation, we have to regain control of these provinces.

Lyon rem Helsos: Well, you know our dear boy Noah better than most. And I'm sure you've made plans of your own for this new nation he's building.

Menenius sas Lanatus: I don't appreciate your tone. Are you implying that I would betray his trust?

Lyon rem Helsos: Oh, would you stop? If anyone hates this pedantic pageantry more than me, it's you.

Menenius sas Lanatus: Perhaps. But so long as I have a hand to play, am I wrong to keep it?

Lyon rem Helsos: That's the way of it, eh? Fine, stay here and hatch your schemes. My place is on the battlefield.

Menenius sas Lanatus: Very well, if that is your wish. But when the dust settles, and the judgement bells toll, I pray you will be ready to answer for your transgressions.

Albeleo: Are you certain this is wise?

Menenius sas Lanatus: A dog he may be, but he is not without his uses. I daresay there is none more loyal to Gabranth and the IVth Legion. What's more, he is not so foolish as to seek out the false glory of an honorable death in battle.

Menenius sas Lanatus: He and his beasts should prove an adequate distraction for our enemies. In the meantime, I leave the castrum in your hands. Should the Bozjans advance this far, I trust you will not disappoint me.

Albeleo: By your leave.