ボズヤ地方 第IV軍団拠点──

獣王ライアン : イヨォ、姉ちゃン! 蛮神を降ろしたンだって?この軍団もイロモンが多いが、あンたの蛮神が一番だなッ!!


メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : ……ご苦労だったな。ゆっくりと休んで傷を癒やすがよい。


ミーシィヤ : ……ハッ。

獣王ライアン : あ~あ、可哀相にねぇ……。一途な想いを捨てきれず……ってか。どうせなら恋愛している方がマシだろうにナァ。

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : ……何の用だ?

獣王ライアン : ……第III軍団から帝都への帰還要請が届いたそうな。

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : ……知っている。だが、閣下はすぐに返答されぬはず。

獣王ライアン : ……だろうな。ヴァリスに負けたティトゥスは愚かで軟弱者……その息子ネルウァは帝の器に非ず、国を治める資格なし……とね。



メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : ……何が言いたい?

獣王ライアン : あんな前途ある若い姉ちゃんの命を粗末に扱う必要はあるのか?……そう訊いてンだよ。

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 粗末になんぞしておらぬよ。……いつだって、私は……我々はそんな風に考えたことはない。貴公とて同じであろう?

獣王ライアン : ……死ぬのは実力のないヤツだからだ。あと、運のないヤツ……銭のないヤツ…………ケツの臭い奴も死ぬな、うん、死ぬ死ぬ。

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : どうせ、貴公は私の命令も、閣下の命令も聞かぬのであろう。……自由なお方だ。私は実に貴公がうらやましい。

獣王ライアン : テメェだって無視してるじゃネェか!「真剣に」「ボズヤ管区を」「護ろう」としている……。


メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 本気か……?

獣王ライアン : いやぁ、ゲスすぎて吐き気がすらぁ。だが、そのゲスさがイイ、テメェの策略っぽくて実にイイ。やっぱテメェはゲスだぜ、このゲスヤロー!

メネニウス・サス・ラナトゥス : 呆れた御仁だ……。

Meanwhile, at Castrum Lacus Litore…

Lyon rem Helsos: Well, well! Word around here is you summoned a primal, is that right? You certainly know how to make a good first impression, don't you lass?

I've seen similar from Albeleo and that auracite of his, but a primal summoning? That takes a great deal more aether, doesn't it? And I'd imagine even more to control it.

Menenius sas Lanatus: You have done well. Now, go. Tend to your wounds.

That's an order. We have ample time before the Resistance returns, and when they do, I will have need of you again. Understood?

Misija: Yes, sir.

Lyon rem Helsos: Poor thing. If only she could learn to let go, it would be better for everyone. Well, some more than others...

Menenius sas Lanatus: ...What do you want?

Lyon rem Helsos: I trust you're aware of the request from the IIIrd Legion to return to the capital?

Menenius sas Lanatus: Of course I am. But Gabranth is in no position to comply with such orders.

Lyon rem Helsos: I thought as much. Not that it matters. Nerva is just like his father Titus, weak and a coward. Unfit to give orders, let alone lead a nation.

Having spent time serving under Basch I understand full well your frustration, but the Garlemald you long for is a thing of the past.

Though I must say, your plans to stall for time have proven quite effective. One can only hope you are as prepared as our dear Noah for what comes next.

Menenius sas Lanatus: What is it you are trying to say?

Lyon rem Helsos: Soldiers with potential like her are not something to be used and discarded like an old boot.

Menenius sas Lanatus: I... We have never considered her to be expendable. She is a valuable asset.

Lyon rem Helsos: For now, at least. Like I always say, death finds a way to weed out the unremarkable and otherwise ill fortuned.

Menenius sas Lanatus: <sigh> I almost envy you and your insouciance. Not that you would ever heed my council on such matters, let alone Gabranth's.

Lyon rem Helsos: Says the man who ignores the council of peers and superiors both to defend Bozja.

But I really have to hand it to you, enthralling those Resistance soldiers was a fantastic idea. Why bother with persuasion when you have the power to enslave minds? Hahaha!

Menenius sas Lanatus: Flattery ill suits you Lyon, even when false.

Lyon rem Helsos: Perhaps, but dirty tricks like that suit you quite well, don't they? You always were a conniving bastard. A real snake in the grass.

Menenius sas Lanatus: That I shall take as a compliment.